Parkings in San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Car parks in Madrid

The city of Madrid is the most populated in all of Spain, and this makes it one of the busiest in the entire country and with a large number of vehicles on its streets, which makes parking a bit complicated at different times of the day.

For this reason, we suggest you take into account the Madrid Car Parks, find out how they work and prepare to make your reservation. In this way you will be able to leave your car in a safe place while you visit the Spanish capital.

The first thing that comes to mind if you need a car park in Madrid is: How much will it cost? Here we reveal where you can park and for how much money. Parking fees in the city center are usually high, but there are places where you can park for less money.

If you are going to visit Madrid by car, keep in mind the following aspects: circulation, traffic and parking. Despite the enormous flow of cars that pass through its streets every day, and the significant influx of foreign visitors who come to the city, whether for work during the week or for pleasure on weekends, Madrid is the capital of Spain and a metropolis overflowing with cultural and leisure activities. It is the second most visited city in Spain, with more than 4 million tourists a year.

We adapt to you if you need to park in a car park. Don’t waste time looking for a parking space on the go. Leave your car in one of our car parks in Madrid that provide service throughout the city. On our website, you will discover a variety of car parks where you can park your car and pay for it without delay in the heart of Madrid. In our car parks in Madrid, you can quickly and easily recover any parking space with your vehicle’s license plate. In addition, on our website you will discover car parks in Madrid from which you can comfortably make a reservation in advance, thus ensuring a space.

Regulated parking in Madrid

If you park on the street, make sure to check if there is restricted parking, since it may belong to a S.E.R. zone, which is the Regulated Parking Service in Madrid, authorized by the City Council. This regulation establishes that the cars of non-residents can only park in each zone during the maximum time. In addition, to avoid being fined, you must pay the corresponding fee for the duration of the parking. Madrid is divided into 49 different districts, each of which has its own parking regulations. (The blue zone, for example, applies parking fees on the outskirts of the city) Forget about looking for a street or a public place to park your vehicle and come to us to reserve your parking in Madrid.